Sometimes, in this weird little world of entertainment, we learn something awesome and exciting. This week has not been one of those weeks.
Things we have learnt this week….
- Most people don’t actually read all the words in an email.
- In Suffolk, seagulls are the size of chickens.
- Travelling back late at night, the chances are at least one major road will be closed causing a minimum of an hours delay.
- When driving on uncommon roads, watch out after flash floods – them pools be deeper than ye think.
- Don’t leave your jacket in the lighting box of a theatre – leave it with the rest of your equipment, it’s a long way to go back and get it!
- Drummers should not eat pot noodles in bed.
- Every office should have a ‘bullshit button’.
- Excel Spreadsheets are the devils work.
- Do not write ‘standing ovulation’ when you mean ovation.
- Pens are subject to the 3 second rule.
- Sharing Pizza with strangers is just weird, but shouting ‘don’t touch my slice’ makes you look weirder.
- The person who brings cakes to the meeting is the favourite instantly.
- Buying Vapo rub is always funny.
- Everyone wants to be an actor.
- Do not attempt to re-organise a garage full of show gear in the rain.
- Mice can swim.
- Gaffer tape fixes everything.
- Neil Sedaka is 5ft 5”
- If you live in Clacton you will eventually paint your water butt to look like a minion or fill your garden with ‘quirky’ ornaments.
- Vinegar is also known as ‘non brewed condiment with colour’.
- Don’t take a ‘short cut’ if you have never set foot in the place before.